Anyway this is Scooby at home which is fairly unusual for Scooby as he appears at the Clinic regularly. He isn't sick he just runs away from home and comes to visit. A wet nose in the back of the Knee while you are doing something else around the clinic lets you know he's arrived. We put him in a Kennel outside and the owners wander over when they have a minute to reclaim him. As I was going to the stables at his home last time I gave him a lift back. I suspect he would go anywhere in the car and be very happy about it.
In case you thought I escaped lab work, this is proof that I was doing ELISA. In this case a snake venom detection kit. One of the nurses dogs decided to eat a snake and we tested the blood, the second test where we read the instructions detected Brown snake venom.; Just don't ask what the dog was bitten by according to the first! Still we had no clinical signs so I think he must have been immune. Its not the first time he's done this!
Anyway Gary has been making friends again and this is Sarah Crosby with him. He looks quite content there.
Gary is with me in the flat for the weekend so he will likely be "helping" me as I write today.