More veterinary activities just in case you thought I was getting slack. Besides there has been a lack of gory photographs in recent posts. You may not think that but I do so there.
Nat hadn’t done a castration so when we had an adoption kitten to be castrated she begged to do it. So I gave a “Master Class” in the art of surgery.

Despite my supervision the surgery went well and the kitten is with a loving family. Though I hear there is a 4 year old living in the house, a new kitten and a youngster, glad I don’t live there!
More gory photographs below you were warned.
A drought means that the animals are on the lean side. As demonstrated by this ewe. though the tick was a little fatter!

The owner was concerned that he was losing a percentage of ewes. So we post mortemed this one. We found liver abscesses and the heart was looking a little flabby.

We also found this passenger.

This is a hyatid cyst on the serosal surface of the rumen. This is a tapeworm just waiting for the sheep to be eaten. Fancy that in your lamb chop? I thought not! (It would look better as a movie as it moves in that fluid) Funnily enough the girls helping me felt like a thorough shower after I found this.
I used the new stable complex for something sensible. Well the sheep pens aren’t ready yet!

The worst thing about this picture is that I was convinced that it was my brother doing the PM, now that is scary!