These are the Quirindi races (apologies for the spelling but its late). I wasn't gambling but I should have put money on way after midnight.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Boxing Day Races
These are the Quirindi races (apologies for the spelling but its late). I wasn't gambling but I should have put money on way after midnight.
Merry Xmas
I am talking about the pups people get your minds out of the gutter
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Merry Xmas everyone!!!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Feathered friends
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Dog case (with gruesome photos)
As you might have guessed there were some fairly major blood vessels in there!!! It took me a while to get them all ligated
was left with a fairly large defect. I was 2 1/2 hours on this animal
Multiple layers of closure and walking sutures meant that I was able to close the wound.Its not the prettiest and I am worried about tension on the suture line, of course there is probably spread in other locations and there is no way all the cells were removed and, and and.......... that is for another day. I might persuade the owner to X-ray the chest and biopsy the lymph nodes when we get the histology back!!
and what you need to see when you have finished is a cup of coffee walking through the door in the hand of the surgery nurse.
Unlucky cat
Look away now if sqeamish!!!
An adult male tabby cat presented after being missing for 6 days with a severely damaged fore paw (See picture below). Pain control and antibiosis was administered and the animal fed watered and cage rested overnight before surgery. In the morning the cat was anaesthetised with medomitidine/Buprenorphine/Ketamine combination and maintained on Isoflourane.
The cat was given Hartmanns fluids IV throughout the procedure.
Xmas Party
I was for a brief and terrifying moment captured but lived up to the Ginger Ninja name and escaped the clutches.
They presided over some Games as they do including some X rated Sock wrestling
Though a 3 to 1 disadvantage in numbers was I thought a little unfair ;-)
We ended up drinking in under the stars after a few of us landed in the pool and needed to dry off!!
Don and Sharron Provided hangover cures, BBQ breakfast mmmmm.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Random things
Anyway this is Scooby at home which is fairly unusual for Scooby as he appears at the Clinic regularly. He isn't sick he just runs away from home and comes to visit. A wet nose in the back of the Knee while you are doing something else around the clinic lets you know he's arrived. We put him in a Kennel outside and the owners wander over when they have a minute to reclaim him. As I was going to the stables at his home last time I gave him a lift back. I suspect he would go anywhere in the car and be very happy about it.
In case you thought I escaped lab work, this is proof that I was doing ELISA. In this case a snake venom detection kit. One of the nurses dogs decided to eat a snake and we tested the blood, the second test where we read the instructions detected Brown snake venom.; Just don't ask what the dog was bitten by according to the first! Still we had no clinical signs so I think he must have been immune. Its not the first time he's done this!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Clinic Characters
Goodnight all
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
My office
Farmers are investing in high tech means to get the best out of the water. I was shown around a maize farm where they run pipes under the plant lines to water the soil from below. Tissue and soil sampling allows control of rates and fertiliser application through the same system. Those farmers that aren't will probably have no crop to sell.
Cattle farmers don't have the same options in water control and feed is very scarce so prices are down and farmers are reluctant to get the vet out (the same story as home really). However soil appears to make up a lot of the faecal content here as grazing is right down to the soil. Even the horses are grazing bare paddocks and sand colic is a real possibility.
irresistable force vs immovable object
Poor bloody horse!
Construction in Aus
So if you were in Narromine you might have been held up by a moving building.
It arrived in the practice garden with only minor damage from say trees roads fences, in fact anything that couldn't move really. Don, the Boss is desperately trying to keep it uptight but too late.
But its now finally at its new site and all we need to do is tie it down in case there is a strong breeze.
Monday, November 27, 2006

Friday, November 24, 2006
Friendly links
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thesis writing

The people I work with
More of Celines Pictures
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Pictures from Celine
The first three are from the mountains of Tasmania and I like them