This is Chipper, our old dog (15), whom my mother wants me to call the stupid dog, he is the only one in the house at the moment but occasional house guests come to stay

The other permanent member of the household is Pirate. He has 3 legs as I had to remove one early in his life for medical reasons. He has only just forgiven me for that and that was 5 years ago
The other permanent member of the household is Pirate. He has 3 legs as I had to remove one early in his life for medical reasons. He has only just forgiven me for that and that was 5 years ago
Are kangas and joes quadrapeds or bipeds?
Kangaroos and wallabies tend to use their hind limbs at speed and may use all 4 at low speeds. Someone else might be able to elaborate
I saw this story on BBC and thought you might get a good giggle... Should we shot the hunter and see what happens?
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