Hi guys this may be a shorter blog In the Aus sense than I wished! As the Visa has failed to arrive and in fact they now want the documentation that I offered two weeks ago the job may fall through. Giving serious consideration to coming home after VTEC 2006. Money considerations require that I work soon or certain people will find the flat being sold from under them. Though I may be able to sort something at the visa office tomorrow. I was planning to take it easy and finish the trip down the coast in a relaxed manner but now its up at the crack of dawn and into Melbourne and camp out at the visa office.
Still early morning Beach pictures:

Apparently you are supposed to park up at a campsite to spend the night but what can you do when the sunrise is this good! The top of a mountain near Eden at dawn, I parked up in a small park and crashed out until early light. Then moved on in case the police decide I was up to no good.
Another beach a few hundred k’s away early morning and not a soul!! Well there was a Wallaby but it was camera shy!

So here’s a shy Echinida (but too slow to run away)

Still no Koalas though. Maybe tomorrow
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